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I’m a fourth-year teacher currently teaching fourth grade in sunny Southern California. I teach Science and Math and rotate with another teacher who teaches Language Arts and Social Studies. What I thought would be less planning is actually much more complicated because of the different levels of the groups of kiddos I have. It’s a challenging but fun year and I love having twice the little hearts and minds to grow!
Aside from teaching, I enjoy blogging, crafting, reading, LEARNING, and any outdoor activities. Nothing is more rewarding than improving my practice and helping more young minds access knowledge. I believe that the pursuit and spread of knowledge is worth spending any amount of time and resources, however, I started this blog to hopefully help make these things quicker and easier for other teachers as I learn and grow!
A great place to find more resources from me as well as millions of other educators is Teachers Pay Teachers – to make
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Thanks for checking in and please feel free to let me know your needs and wants from this blog.
Happy Teaching!
Heather Fitzgerald
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If you would like to use any content, please do so accurately and attribute using my name, Heather Fitzgerald, and hyperlink to specific source page.